Geo-stories generally center on a single set of maps or mapping project. Large projects can be broken down
into chapters or subchapters, each one a geo-story that fits with the others to complete the larger geo-story narrative.
Think of your geo-story like a documentary: as director, what elements best combine to create a compelling presentation?
There are many ways to tell an effective geo-story, and like an effective movie, it will contain many elements. At root,
though, your presentation comes down to two key components: information and intent.
- What information do you want to convey?
- Which data is the most important?
- How can it be combined in new ways to create connections and conclusions people might not have seen before?
Maps, photos, reports, charts, and graphs are all good choices. But so are anecdotes, drawings, historical documents,
newspaper articles, diary entries, radio interviews, and videotapes. Make sure to prioritize, though, since each piece
of information adds to file size and download time.
- What is the purpose of publishing your information?
- What do you want people to know?
- What do you want them to do with their knowledge?
For example, a community geo-story might aim to educate, build relationships (between people or people and their environment),
document a process, inspire activism, or raise funds and resources. It might do all this and more. The key is to clarify and
prioritize the goal or goals of your narrative.
Once you prioritize your goals, you can select which resources to feature, which to use in a support role, and identify
what more might be needed to round out your presentation.
Information Elements
The EARTHscope player displays geo-story information in three main windows: Maps, Text,
and Media. These three
elements combine and interrelate to create a single narrative.